Hit More Of Your Goals This Month…Guaranteed!

Month after month it seems next to impossible to hit your goals.

And that is causing you to feel stuck and question your ability to change your current situation.

You may ever have considered changing your goals, which don't feel like the right thing to do.

In this article, you will discover a five-step process that will help you set the right goals, and create a system that will help you hit those goals month after month


Rewind and Review

Before you set goals for this month, take some time to Rewind and Review.

This is a process where you take a critical look at your actions over the past few month or even few weeks.

Do the following exercise. It will help you identify opportunities and areas you can improve on.

Answer these questions. It's best for you to write your answers.

 - What is it I wanted to accomplish?
 - What did I accomplish?
 - What challenges held me from achieving my goals?
 - How could I overcome these challenges?

Next, you want to set your goals for the current month that excites you.

Set Yourself Up For Success

First, your monthly goals should align with your annual and quarterly goals.

Second, only set 1-2 goals for each month. This increases your chances of reaching your goals.

Many times when we set our goals, we're not setting goals that will allow us to succeed.

In your Rewind and Review exercise, you may have recognized examples of this.

When setting your monthly goals, set goals that you're really excited about reaching.

The kind of goals that pumped up to go out and achieve?

Let's be honest, most times we choose goals that feel important,
but you’re not inspired by them.

Reframe how you look at the vital goal.

Look for things about those goals that get you excited.

Then create some emotional triggers and a vision around the goals.

Here are a few questions to help you to create a vision around your goals.

 - Why do you want to achieve that goal?
 - How will it make you feel when you hit your goal?
 - Who will this goal impact?
 - What will your life/business look like after you cross this goal off your list?


Now, that you've devised a vision around your goals it's time to develop a plan of attack.

Create A Plan Of Attack

Most people set goals with the best intentions, but then leaves it up to chance when it comes actually to accomplishing them.

Think about this for a second;

You're planning a trip from New York to Los Angeles, do you think you will do some planning before you start the trip?

More than likely you will plan your route, and how many hours you will drive each day.

You may even go into more detail like, which attractions you will stop to visit along the way, and which hotels you will stay at.


Well, you need the same type of planning when you're serious about accomplishing your goals.

For each of your goal you have set for the month, write all the task you need to complete for you to hit that particular goal.

Break it down step by step.

This will serve as your map.

Get as detailed as possible.

Then rank each task from most important to least important.

You can always come back and add tasks to your list and reprioritize.

This list of tasks will now help you plan each day and week as you move forward.

Your task list allows you to visually see what you need to do next to accomplish your goals.

Nice, you have your plan of attack, its time to make time for your goals.

Make Time For Your Goals

One of the most common reasons people give for not hitting their goals is lack of time.

I can relate to that when you're working a full-time job and building your business on the side. Plus you have family, church, life commitments.

It could get hectic.

We tend to overestimate how much time we actually have and underestimate how long specific tasks will tale.

This is a recipe for falling short on their goals.

Most people have the time but need to take a step back to identify those pockets of time.

Having a strong vision around your goals will force you to find the time to work on your goals.

But you must be intentional about making time for your goals.

It will take some planning.

At the start of each week, review your calendar and look for
30-minute increments of time you can commit to working on your goals.

It may be a one hour in the morning before your family gets up.

30 minutes during your lunch break, and 30 minutes after work before you picking the kids up.

Or a few hours when after everyone goes to bed.

You may even want to break it down further and looks for 15-minute increments to take advantage of downtime.

When you're waiting for the train or bus, in the car line, between client meetings, etc.

Sometimes you have to get creative to hit your goals.

I have found if you have a family, it's crucial that you share your home business schedule with them.

When they're in the loop, they tend to be more supportive and understanding.

The next step is to assign specific tasks to each of your available schedule time slots.

Add it to your planner or create reminders on your phone.

You're moving along this process nicely.

You have created 1-2 goals for this month that excites you.

You have a list of the task you need to complete to hit your goals, and you have scheduled the time to make it happen.

You're on your way to having a successful month.

But wait, there is one more thing! 🙂

Although armed with a plan of action, many people try to over complicate the execution of the plan.

Let's address that!

Don't Over Complicate Things

They are many reasons why we tend to make thing more complicated than they need to be.

Fear, perfectionism, and comparitist (yes, I know that's not a word, but you get the point) 🙂


Stay in your lane, and run your race.

Focus on doing the tasks that are easiest to complete.

Studies have shown when we experience even small amounts of success, our brains release dopamine, which is connected to feelings of pleasure, learning, and motivation.

When we feel the effects of dopamine, we’re eager to repeat the actions that resulted in success in the first place. Neuroscientists refer to this as “self-directed learning.”

Focus on the easiest task first; you will build momentum and have an even better chance to stay motivated over a more extended periods.

Well if you're still stuck on the details. How about asking yourself the following questions.

"What would this look like if it were easy."

According to time Tim Ferriss, author of Tribe Of Mentors, the 4 Hour Work Week and a few other books.

This question triggers your brain to find simple solutions to the challenges your face.

He went on to say:

“Sometimes, we find incredible results with ease instead of stress. Sometimes, we "solve" the problem by completely reframing it."

Look for the most straightforward way you can get your task completed.

This way you can check more of them off your list, which increases your motivation which in turn pushes you to achieve your goals.


These five steps will help you get more done and hit more of your goals this month.

1. Rewind and Review - Take a look at what you have done in the last few weeks or months, and you will identify areas you can improve on.

2. Set Yourself Up For Success - Set goals that actually excite you!

3. Create A Plan Of Attack - Don't leave it up to chance when it comes hitting those goals

4. Make Time For Your Goals - Be very intentional about making time for your goals.

5. Don't Over Complicate Things - Focus on doing the tasks that are easiest to complete.

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