How To Create A Schedule For Your Network Marketing Business – 30 Day Network Marketing Challenge Day 3

How To Create A Schedule For Your Network Marketing Business

Welcome to day 3 of the 30 Day Network Marketing Challenge. Today,we will talk about three things that will make your more productive in your Network Marketing business.

1. Create a schedule
2. Let your friends and family know of your schedule
3. Journal, Create a journal of your weekly tasks, and what you’ve accomplished

We will also talk about the 4 parts of your business you should focus on if time is limited.

Before we get to the video, here is today Personal Development Tip.

Pick and Choose Your Time
Only you can schedule your time productively. If you choose to scroll on Facebook or to stay up late and over sleep in the morning, the results will be an unfocused and unproductive life.

Choose and schedule your time carefully and reap the positive benefits.

Today’s Action Items
1 – Create a schedule for your Network Marketing business, and share it with your family.

2 – Ask your Facebook friends for tips on how to improve your productivity.
(Hey guys, I need to improve my overall productivity, do you have any suggestions? What works for you?)

These types of post get you more engagement on Facebook, which allows more of your friends to see you status update.
This will come in very handy when we start looking for potential business partners and customers on Facebook.

Join the 30 Day Network Marketing Challenge Community and let us know what your schedule looks like for the next week.

Join the 30 Day Network Marketing Challenge Community

Learn how to create a Power Hour in your business. Lydia Martin shares the 4 key parts of your business you should focus on when time is limited.

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